"Metal Sonic" - an official Sonic grunge song
There’s a Sega album called Virtual Sonic - a collection of Sonic-inspired tunes released in 1996. A few of its tracks are remixes from Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic Spinball, but most of them are original. One of the originals is “Metal Sonic”. It’s grunge! It’s an officially released Sonic grunge song, with an unexpectedly bluesy intro, distorted solo, and a long fade-out. It’s also the only track on the album with lyrics.
He’s out to get you, gonna make you shout
He wanna touch, he wanna scan you out
You can run all you want but no, you’re gonna payOoh, he put together the wrong way
The wrong way
I don’t think they have much to do with Metal Sonic besides him being a villainous robot, but they blend into the song and give it a cool, detached, slightly menacing vibe. It’s interesting when songwriters take more impressionistic approaches to writing lyrics about characters instead of literally citing events from their stories.